As men age, they often find that they just can’t perform in the bedroom like they used to. Whether you deal with erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, or any number of other issues, it can be difficult to maintain the sex life you’re used to. Many men rely on a certain little blue pill when they need to, but this is a temporary solution to a long term problem.
Why Does Sex become Difficult after 40?
After the age of 40, your chances of developing erectile dysfunction significantly increase. That’s because your body is going through andropause – a stage in a man’s life where his testosterone levels begin to fall. What that little blue pill does is treat a symptom of andropause. It doesn’t get to the root of the problem, which are your fluctuating hormone levels.
How Do I Improve My Sexual Performance without Pills?
Remembering to take a pill every time you want to have sex can be a pain, but there is a long term solution. If you want to improve your sexual performance, you need to get your hormones back at a healthy level.
Testosterone replacement therapy can improve your sexual performance and your overall health. Increasing testosterone levels slows down the aging process, making you feel more energetic, clear-headed, and youthful. Now, not only will you be able to perform when the moment is right, but you will feel healthy enough for sex as well.
If you are looking for a way to increase sexual performance in TN, make an appointment at Memphis Men’s Clinic. We have experience treating erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and low testosterone.